Price includes Freight.
*Now comes with EB-11 Balun*
The “TET-Emtron” model TE-43 is an optimum performance 4 element HF Beam Antenna.
Built with high efficiency traps, all stainless steel hardware and rugged aluminium construction, guarantee a long and trouble-free operation.
As trap type antennas are generally considered narrow banded, the TE-43 gives an SWR of 1.5 or less across the entire operating band, and therefore does not need any re-adjusting for PHONE or CW band.
This antenna is made from Marine Grade 6000 Series Aluminium, all predrilled and partly pre-assembled components – THIS ANTENNA IS MADE TO LAST!
By following the instruction, you will find that the antenna is simple to assemble and when correctly installed, a top performer.
FREQUENCY: 14, 21, 28 MHz
ELEMENT LENGTH: 7.58 metres
BOOM LENGTH: 6.3 meters
GAIN dBi : 9.1
FRONT TO BACK RATIO: 25/ 20/ 20 dB
Power Rating: 2000 Watts PEP.
WEIGHT: 15 kg
Surface Area: .74m
Wind Loading: 72.7kg @ 130 kmh
Jeff Cochrane – VK4BOF –
I am a proud owner of a TE33 that I have since upgraded to a TE43 by adding the fourth element and the extra boom section and I cannot provide enough praise for Marks TE33 / 43 design.
It truly is an excellent antenna with great gain and excellent F/B figures that are borne out in the real world.
You won’t buy a better 3 or 4 element tri-bander at any price!
Cliff Coverdale –
I bought a TE43 earlier this year 2010. Previously I was using a well known brand of tri band yagi with mediocre results. The very day I erected the TE43, the bands came alive. I worked stations in Eastern Europe, Britain, the Middle East. It was just incredible how well my yagi worked. I have since ordered a number 3 director, which I will install next week, making it a TE 53 I guess. I’ll write another review on it after I use it for a while. The TE43 is the very best made and operating yagi I’ve ever used. Cliff. VK2CRC
Michael Paulsen –
I have been using the TE-43 for sometime now and it is strong with great performance even at a height of 3m above the roof line. I have recently upgraded it to a TE-44 with the addition of 40m on the driven element. Very happy and some nice contacts! Mark and his team provide excellent customer service. Mike VK4MSA
Ian Westerland –
My TE-33M has a new home and I updated to the TE-43 in February 2012. As always, Mark’s service was outstanding and far beyond the call of duty. The beam itself is a great performer even when conditions are poor and those stations I couldn’t work previously are now regularly 2 S points stronger. As I have a limitation of hight, the TE-43 is around 8 metres off ground and works briliantly at that hight. Goodness only knows what would happen if I could get it another 3 or 4 metres higher.
You won’t lose when purchasing and installing the TE-43 yagi. Brilliant work Mark on both quality of the aerial and your personal service.
Ian Westerland, VK3vin
QTH, Corio, Victoria
Arne Fast –
Hello to all
Have now used TET for more than ten year.
First a TE-34 and later a TE-44
40 meter is not working here have been in contact with Mark about it, have to get it Down Again.
But as 3 band it is very, very good.
Good FB, and very good signal report.
The TE-44 was put up in early 2005 and are in use nearly every day
Arne OZ4VW
I LOVE this antenna. I was able to DXCC in a week at solar minimum. Built like a tank, looks great, simple to do anything to it.