

Four Element Tri-Band Antenna.

SKU: TE-43 Categories: ,


Price includes Freight.
*Now comes with EB-11 Balun*

The “TET-Emtron” model TE-43 is an optimum performance 4 element HF Beam Antenna.

Built with high efficiency traps, all stainless steel hardware and rugged aluminium construction, guarantee a long and trouble-free operation.

As trap type antennas are generally considered narrow banded, the TE-43 gives an SWR of 1.5 or less across the entire operating band, and therefore does not need any re-adjusting for PHONE or CW band.

This antenna is made from Marine Grade 6000 Series Aluminium, all predrilled and partly pre-assembled components – THIS ANTENNA IS MADE TO LAST!

By following the instruction, you will find that the antenna is simple to assemble and when correctly installed, a top performer.


FREQUENCY: 14, 21, 28 MHz

ELEMENT LENGTH: 7.58 metres
BOOM LENGTH: 6.3 meters

GAIN dBi : 9.1

FRONT TO BACK RATIO: 25/ 20/ 20 dB


Power Rating: 2000 Watts PEP.

WEIGHT: 15 kg

Surface Area:  .74m

Wind Loading: 72.7kg @ 130 kmh

Additional information

Weight 6.80388555 kg
Custom Field 1

6 reviews for TE-43

  1. Jeff Cochrane – VK4BOF

    I am a proud owner of a TE33 that I have since upgraded to a TE43 by adding the fourth element and the extra boom section and I cannot provide enough praise for Marks TE33 / 43 design.
    It truly is an excellent antenna with great gain and excellent F/B figures that are borne out in the real world.

    You won’t buy a better 3 or 4 element tri-bander at any price!

  2. Cliff Coverdale

    I bought a TE43 earlier this year 2010. Previously I was using a well known brand of tri band yagi with mediocre results. The very day I erected the TE43, the bands came alive. I worked stations in Eastern Europe, Britain, the Middle East. It was just incredible how well my yagi worked. I have since ordered a number 3 director, which I will install next week, making it a TE 53 I guess. I’ll write another review on it after I use it for a while. The TE43 is the very best made and operating yagi I’ve ever used. Cliff. VK2CRC

  3. Michael Paulsen

    I have been using the TE-43 for sometime now and it is strong with great performance even at a height of 3m above the roof line. I have recently upgraded it to a TE-44 with the addition of 40m on the driven element. Very happy and some nice contacts! Mark and his team provide excellent customer service. Mike VK4MSA

  4. Ian Westerland

    My TE-33M has a new home and I updated to the TE-43 in February 2012. As always, Mark’s service was outstanding and far beyond the call of duty. The beam itself is a great performer even when conditions are poor and those stations I couldn’t work previously are now regularly 2 S points stronger. As I have a limitation of hight, the TE-43 is around 8 metres off ground and works briliantly at that hight. Goodness only knows what would happen if I could get it another 3 or 4 metres higher.

    You won’t lose when purchasing and installing the TE-43 yagi. Brilliant work Mark on both quality of the aerial and your personal service.

    Ian Westerland, VK3vin
    QTH, Corio, Victoria

  5. Arne Fast

    Hello to all

    Have now used TET for more than ten year.
    First a TE-34 and later a TE-44
    40 meter is not working here have been in contact with Mark about it, have to get it Down Again.
    But as 3 band it is very, very good.
    Good FB, and very good signal report.
    The TE-44 was put up in early 2005 and are in use nearly every day

    Arne OZ4VW

  6. VK3END

    I LOVE this antenna. I was able to DXCC in a week at solar minimum. Built like a tank, looks great, simple to do anything to it.

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